Continuing education company puts Engage Digital Services to the test

Sterling Anesthesia had the business model and the expertise behind it but not the website they needed to be truly successful. By leveraging the foundation of a brochure website implementation, and then bolstering it with customizations, their business has really hit the gas.

Services Featured

  • Brochure Website Implementation
  • Custom Development

More Details

Sterling Anesthesia was being hampered by their own success. With additional students taking courses, they were finding their hands full with the manual process of delivering the education in their program and the follow up to ensure their students received the appropriate credit for taking classes. Engage Digital Services was able to make short work of both the new website and the back-end processes needed for the flow of information to the right people.

We received a great compliment from a recent new client about this project: “I assumed from the site this was a big company. I was genuinely surprised to find it was about the same size as mine!” We were flattered by this, and equally confident that with the success Sterling is seeing with their new site that the company is going to continue to grow ever bigger!

Custom Reports

CE Credit certificates were a key requirement for the success of this effort. The site produces both certificates for students and communications for the industry association to know member credits have been earned.

Permission-Only Video

Leveraging the DNN platform simplified the process of having student’s user accounts that allowed permission-only access to video classes.


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+1 314 966 4000